Hello to you visitor
Strange world in which we live, that of obligatory but ephemeral communication. I prefer the windows in front of which we linger while licking ourselves. We look at it, we study, we evaluate, we take the time to comment. We drink from the object, it is there before our eyes.
We invented the telephone to talk, television to see the world, transport to visit each other, letters to read each other, books to learn or escape and the internet to go faster and further in real time.
Yes, but… there had to be a but.
We don't talk to each other anymore, we "text" each other in a language approaching rumbling. The television flashes and waits for a wink from us.
Transport has only become useful for work, since communication tools do the rest. The mail is an instrument that has become obsolete, as proof, you can no longer even write a letter to your tax collector. We send him an email and he sends us a response with the mention “noreply”. Books are gradually being abandoned for our other time-consuming activities..
Visiting friend, I created this site to freeze time, let it settle in my musical world. The choice of dates for the title of youtube videos is not innocent. They are not perfect far from it, all the tracks are done in one take on the announced date. Only the sound is reworked and the whole thing mixed on the fly.
Good listening.